
Business Loans Rejections Pt3 http://www.businesscreditamerica.com/

Business Loan Rejections

Hey guys, Houston here with Business Credit America, and I'm back with this last video on this three-part series of business loan rejection key points. And the last key point we're gonna be talking about when you're trying to borrow money from a banker or an investor is to never tell them you're planning on taking their money and paying off other creditors. And the reason you do not wanna tell them that you're taking their money to pay off other creditors, because you reinforce that you cannot manage money. You also let them know that you've over-extended yourself. And the last point of it is that, you may or may not be able to pay the loan back on time.
So those are the three things that bankers are listening to, when you tell them you're gonna take their money and you're gonna pay off other creditors. So be careful when trying to get investors involved, or just trying to borrow money. Going back over this, you never tell them that you wanna borrow the money for any type of business venture or real estate investment, because they look at you as if you're gambling with their money, okay? You never wanna tell them that you're trying to consolidate debt, because it's showing them that you over-extended yourself and that you don't know how to manage money, and that you never wanna tell them, and the last portion of this video is that you're trying to pay off creditors.

Because they look at it as you just reinforced that one: You don't know how to manage money. And number two: You extended yourself and number three: Is that you more than likely, will not pay them back or pay them back on time. So I hope this information is helpful to you in this three-part video series that's gonna help you put you on a better track to understanding how to get your business loan approved, or how to properly set yourself... Put yourself in a better position, so you can get approval for a business loan. Now, I do have another series of videos that I'm making, that's gonna introduce you, to how you're supposed to present yourself to banks, so they can understand why you need money for your business, and so they would be more than likely to help you get approved for that loan, than rejection for the key three points that we recently went over.

This is Houston with Business Credit America. I hope that you all get a chance to check out the website, businesscreditamerica.com. I hope the information is very helpful to you, and I hope it's something that you can implement... I hope the information is something you can implement in your business now. So please subscribe to the YouTube channel if you have not, also tweet us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. Thanks guys.


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